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Example of typical refractory in use

Example of typical refractory in use

Stoker furnace

Reference example
Name of part Detailed portion Kind of refractory Industrial waste・Biomass
Typical product
Kind of refractory Municipal waste
Typical Product
①Feeder Conventional castables GNP series Conventional
CA series
Combustion Chamber ②Sidewall Rapid drying and heating-up castables CLC-QD series Conventional castables CA series
High alimina bricks CWK brick Standard chamotte bricks SK34
③Air cooling wall ・Water cooling wall Silicon carbide low cement castables DRYSIC series Silicon carbide low cement castables DRYSIC series
④Roof Plastic refractories PL-HP series Plastic refractories PL-HP series
⑤Secondary combustion furnace Rapid drying and heating-up castables CLC-QD series Conventional castables CA series
⑥Roof (Flue) Rapid drying and heating-up castables CLC-QD series Conventional castables CA series
⑦Boiler Water pipe Silicon carbide low cement castables RF-SiC series Silicon carbide low cement castables RF-SiC series
⑧Gas cooling tower Acid and water resistance castables WPC series Acid and water resistance castables WPC series

Incinerator of fluidized bed type

Reference example
Name of part Detailed portion Kind of refractory Product
①Fluidized bed Rapid drying and heating-up castables RF-QD series
②Combustion chamber Rapid drying and heating-up castables RF-QD series
③Boiler Water pipe Silicon carbide low cement castables DRYSIC series
④Flue Conventional castables CA series
⑤Boiler Water pipe Silicon carbide low cement castables DRYSIC series
⑥Hopper Conventional castables CA series
⑦Gas cooling tower Acid and water resistance castables WPC series

Incinerator of rotary kiln type

Reference example
Name of part Detailed portion Kind of refractory Typical product
①Kiln Rapid drying and heating-up castables CLC-QD series
High alumina bricks CWK brick
②Secondary combustion chamber Rapid drying and heating-up castables CLC-QD series

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